Nuts Ideas is proud to announce that our beloved animated series, “Croco Doc,” has been selected as a finalist for the prestigious Iris Awards 2022 in the category of “Best Animated Series.” This nomination represents a significant recognition of the creativity and dedication invested in this health-focused series.
“Croco Doc” is a series that has captured the hearts of young viewers and families around the world with its unique combination of entertainment and learning. Created in collaboration with RTVE and Buenpaso Films, the series has addressed important health-related topics in an engaging and educational manner.
Being finalists at the Iris Awards is an honor and a source of great pride for the entire team, and this nomination reflects our ongoing commitment to creating high-quality content that inspires and entertains audiences of all ages.
Stay tuned for further updates, and in the meantime, continue to follow the adventures of “Croco Doc” at Thank you for your continuous support!