“Croco Doc,” our beloved animated series, along with the famous character Pocoyo, has become the official spokesperson for the child vaccination campaign in Spain. This initiative, under the patronage of the Ministry of Health, aims to promote vaccination among Spanish children and their families.
In a joint effort between RTVE (Televisión Española) and the producers of the two series, Croco Doc and Pocoyo will be the protagonists of this campaign, which seeks to inform and raise awareness about vaccinations for young children. The campaign aims to spread clear and reassuring messages about the importance of childhood vaccinations for the health of all children.
Our beloved Croco Doc, known for delivering health information in an educational and entertaining manner, will join Pocoyo, one of the most iconic characters in children’s television, to promote the importance of vaccinations and encourage families to protect their little ones.
This project is an example of how entertainment can be a powerful vehicle for conveying important messages, and we are honored to make a difference in the health of Spanish children.