Nuts Ideas is pleased to announce the renewal of “Croco Doc” for its second season, an exciting continuation of the beloved animated series that has captured the hearts of viewers of all ages. This news follows the nomination of “Croco Doc” as the Best Animated Series at the prestigious Iris Awards 2022.
“Croco Doc,” co-produced in collaboration with RTVE and Buenpaso Films, has achieved remarkable success with its first season, combining educational entertainment and important health-related themes. The series has addressed complex issues in an accessible and engaging way for young audiences and their families.
The renewal for the second season promises new gripping episodes, tackling even more desirable topics, including epilepsy, autism, and the challenge of coronavirus. This animated series has proven to be a significant resource for education and entertainment, addressing sensitive topics in a gentle and informative manner.
Nuts Ideas is excited to continue this successful project and contribute to the education and entertainment of young viewers worldwide. We are grateful for the support of our audience and look forward to sharing with you the new gripping episodes of “Croco Doc” in its second season. Stay tuned for further updates and information on the release date of the new season!